Ever since I could remember, I've always been interested in knowing how things worked. I was alway taking things apart and putting them back together. As computers became more of a household item in the 80's, I was also intrigued by what made them tick.
In the early 90's, I was going to take up Computer Repair, but was persuaded to enroll in a variety of computer programming courses. Sadly, finding a job in that field was very difficult. So I found work in an unrelated field. The dot-com boom of the late 90's rekindled my interest in programming, but this time, for website development.
Over the years, as the Internet has evolved, so has my web development skills. I keep my skills sharpened by enrolling in various web design courses.
Let me show you what I can do.
My WorkI have several years of hospitality experience under my belt. That being said, I've learned a lot about people and their expectations.
And over the years, I've learned how to manage both successfully, which has led to many awards and promotions.
I take pride in delivering outstanding customer satisfaction.
My customer service experience has helped me tremendously in getting new and repeat clients for web design work.
My clients get more than a website. They get me—someone who listens and understands what they are looking for. Someone who shares their vision of online success. More than developing websites, I develop relationships. A business partnership that my clients can rely on.
See for yourself.
Contact Me